Documentation for Irving N. Vining - (1) [...], (2) Minnie M. Pelton

Census Data

  1900 1910 1920 1930 1940
Irving N. Vining 37 47 57 dead
Delia ([...]) Vining 34
Minnie M. (Pelton) Vining 34 45 54 ?
    Ethel Mae Vining 2 12 22 married [and living in separate household?]

1900 Stanton Precinct, Stanton County, Nebraska - dwelling 168, family 172:

1910 Stanton (Ward 2), Stanton County, Nebraska - dwelling 242 (unnumbered), family 246 (unnumbered). Also living in this household in 1910 were Hezekiah P. Pelton (78 y., b. New York) and Edward F. Pelton (48 y., b. New York), Irving N. Vining's father-in-law and brother-in-law, respectively, and servant Minnie Heinold (22 y., b. Nebraska).

1920 Long Beach Township (precinct 23), Los Angeles County, California - dwelling 16, family 17:

1930 Long Beach, Los Angeles County, California - dwelling 6, family 14: