Documentation for Noah Vining - Mary Leavitt Stoddard

Census Data

  1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870
Noah Vining M 26–44 M 26–44 M 40–49 ? 68 79 dead
Mary Leavitt (Stoddard) Vining F 26–44 F 26–44 F 40–49 ? 66 77 dead
    Noah Vining Jr. M under 10 M 10–15 M 20–29 married [and living in separate household?]
    Allen Vining M under 10 M 10–15 M 20–29 married [and living in separate household?]
    Mary Vining F under 10 F 10–15 married, [living in this household?] ?
    Samuel Albert Vining M under 10 M 15–19 ? [living? in separate household]
    Adoniram Vining M under 10 M 15–19 married [and living separate household?]
    Harriet Newell Vining F under 10 F 10–14 married [and living in separate household?]
    Catharine M. Vining F under 10 F 10–14 ? married and living in separate household

1810 Weymouth, Norfolk County, Massachusetts. Each member of the family fits into the expected age category in the 1810 census record.

1820 Weymouth, Norfolk County, Massachusetts. Each member of the family fits into the expected age category in the 1820 census record.

1830 Weymouth, Norfolk County, Massachusetts. Each member of the family fits into the expected age category in the 1830 census record except Allen, who was 22 in 1830 and not 15–19. Mary appears to be living with her parents in 1830 despite having been married in 1828. Given that there was no male of approximately Mary’s age in this household, it needs to be determined if Mary had been widowed. Further, it is to be determined who the two males (age 10–14 and age 80–89) were.

1850 Weymouth, Norfolk County, Massachusetts - dwelling 320, family 398. Also living in this household in 1850 were Olive Vining (85 y., b. Massachusetts), Charles V. White (15 y., b. Massachusetts, shoemaker), and Mary V. White (13 y., b. Massachusetts), the latter two likely grandchildren of Noah and Mary (Stoddard) Vining.

1860 Weymouth, Norfolk County, Massachusetts - dwelling 669, family 758:

Birth Data

Birth certificate for Harriet Newell Vining, daughter of Noah Vining and Mary Leavitt Stoddard:

Marriage Data

Marriage certificate for Harriet Newell Vining, daughter of Noah Vining and Mary Leavitt Stoddard:

Death Data

Death certificates for Harriet Newell Vining, daughter of Noah Vining and Mary Leavitt Stoddard: