Documentation for Otis Smith Vining - Minerva A. Storer

Marriage Data

Marriage intentions of Otis S. Vining and Minerva A. Storer, from Lisbon, Maine, town records. The dashed diagonal lines showing in the marriage intentions record are placed there by the town of Lisbon to show that it is not a certified record.

Marriage record of George Thomas Vining (son of Otis S. Vining and Minerva A. (Storer) Vining) and Hattie T. Foster, from the Lisbon, Maine, town records. The dashed diagonal lines showing in the marriage record are placed there by the town of Lisbon to show that it is not a certified record.

Marriage record of Harriet Jane Vining (daughter of Otis S. Vining and Minerva A. (Storer) Vining) and Charles H. Koepka, from Lisbon, Maine, town records. The dashed diagonal lines showing in the marriage record are placed there by the town of Lisbon to show that it is not a certified record.

Marriage record of Martha Plummer Vining (daughter of Otis S. Vining and Minerva A. (Storer) Vining) and Benjamin F. Thorn, from Lisbon, Maine, town records. The dashed diagonal lines showing in the marriage record are placed there by the town of Lisbon to show that it is not a certified record.

Marriage record of Clara Helen Vining (daughter of Otis S. Vining and Minerva A. (Storer) Vining) and Charles C. Chandler, from Lisbon, Maine, town records. The dashed diagonal lines showing in the marriage record are placed there by the town of Lisbon to show that it is not a certified record.

Family Data

The town of Durham, Androscoggin County, Maine, has photocopied its vital record books, and those photocopies are available for public viewing. Unfortunately, much of the photocopied material is very difficult to impossible to read. Below is the 27 February 1865 page (greatly enlarged) reporting the family of Otis S. Vining and Minerva A. Storer.

Census Data

  1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910
Otis Smith Vining 29 39 49 dead
Minerva A. (Stover) Vining 29 39 49 ? 69 dead
    Melvina S. Vining dead
    Charles Otis Vining 5 15 25 ? married and living in separate household
    George Thomas Vining 3 13 married and living in separate household
    Harriet Jane Vining 1 11 married and living in separate household
    Minerva Ann Vining 9 19 ? [living? in separate household]
    Martha Plummer Vining 7 17 married [and living in separate? household]
    Clara Helen Vining 4 15 married [and living in separate? household]
    Frederick Elmer Vining 2 12 married [and living in separate? household]
    Edwin Wilson Vining dead

1860 Durham, Androscoggin County, Maine - dwelling 302, family 316:

1870 Lisbon, Androscoggin County, Maine - dwelling 104, family 114:

1880 Lisbon, Androscoggin County, Maine - dwelling 75, family 88:

1900 Lisbon, Androscoggin County, Maine - dwelling 440, family 469:

Death Data

Gravestones for Otis S. Vining and Minerva A. Storer, in Hillside Cemetery, Lisbon, Maine.

Gravestones for Melvina S. Vining and Edwin Wilson Vining, children of Otis S. Vining and Minerva A. (Storer) Vining, in Hillside Cemetery, Lisbon, Maine: